STLabWikifier/sparql queries

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Default sparql queris for wikifier

  1. Query to get resource (N.B. in this case every things that have a label)
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_labels_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {?resource etc/label ?term};
  4. This query is necessary and very important to decided what kind of resuource to get for indexing.

sparqlResource SELECT DISTINCT ?resource from <dbpedia_labels_en> WHERE {?resource <> ?term. FILTER (!(regex(str(?term),'disambiguation','i')))}

  1. Query to get comment
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_short_abstracts_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/comment ?cont};
  4. This query is necessary and very important to get comment.

sparqlComment SELECT DISTINCT ?cont from <dbpedia_short_abstracts_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?cont}

  1. Query to get abstract
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_long_abstracts_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/abstract ?cont};
  4. This query is optional.

sparqlAbstrac SELECT DISTINCT ?cont from <dbpedia_long_abstracts_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?cont}

  1. Query to get term (is the label)
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_labels_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/label ?term};
  4. This query is necessary and very important to get principal label for the resource.

sparqlLabel SELECT DISTINCT ?term from <dbpedia_labels_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?term. FILTER (!(regex(str(?redirect),'disambiguation','i')))}

  1. Query to get term (is the label) of the redirect from the analyzed resource.
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_redirects_en and dbpedia_labels_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {?aux etc/wikiPageRedirects <@subject>; etc/page ?redirect};
  4. This query is optional.

sparqlRedirect SELECT DISTINCT ?redirect from <dbpedia_redirects_en> from <dbpedia_labels_en> WHERE {?aux <> <@subject>; <> ?redirect. FILTER (!(regex(str(?redirect),'disambiguation','i')))}

  1. Query to get term (is the label) of the disambiguation from the analyzed resource.
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_disambiguations_en and dbpedia_labels_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {?d etc/wikiPageDisambiguates <dbpedia_labels_en>; etc/label ?term};
  4. This query is optional.

sparqlDisamb SELECT DISTINCT ?disamb from <dbpedia_disambiguations_en> from <dbpedia_labels_en> WHERE {?d <> <@subject>; <> ?disamb}

  1. Query to get the type
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_instance_types_en;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/type ?type};
  4. This query is optional.

sparqlType SELECT DISTINCT ?type from <dbpedia_instance_types_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?type. FILTER (str(?type)!=\"\")}

  1. Query to get the skos category
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_article_categories_en;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/subject ?category};
  4. This query is optional. But it is necessary if you want to take in account categories.

sparqlCategory SELECT DISTINCT ?category from <dbpedia_article_categories_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?category}

  1. Query to get the page
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_wikipedia_links_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {<@subject> etc/page ?page};
  4. This query is necessary and very important to get wikipage link.

sparqlPage SELECT DISTINCT ?page from <dbpedia_wikipedia_links_en> WHERE {<@subject> <> ?page}

  1. Query to get the input-links
  2. DBPEDIA dataset: dbpedia_page_links_en/it;
  3. Query: WHERE {?link etc/wikiPageWikiLink <@object>}
  4. This query is necessary and very important to get number of page input link.

sparqlLink SELECT DISTINCT ?link from <dbpedia_page_links_en> WHERE {?link <> <@subject>}

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