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STLab wikifier is a tool that links automatically any text to its related DBPedia entities. It looks for relevant terms (denoting either entities or concepts) within the text, and selects their corresponding Wikipedia pages. To this aim, a Word Sense Disambiguation approach is used. In fact, terms are highly ambiguous in Wikipedia. WSD is performed based on the popularity of the destination page (measured by the number of input links), and on the similarity between the text to be analyzed, and the destination pages.


The tool is based on the following components:


The input of the service is any Italian or English text.


The output of the service is a list of URI linking to DBPedia entities and the top ten categories identified by dc-terms related to the text.


An on line demo of the service is available here. (For the old demo click here.)

Using the tool (PRIVATE)

The tool can be used by shell command line. There is also available java API to develop a single wikifier. For more details see the javadoc and the README file inside the directory API.

The process

The process is compound of two steps: first we have to create an index that reflect DBPedia features important for our purposes; second we have to search inside index's fields by using the same Lucene analyzer for indexing (very important). Look at the basic flow chart of the process.


We use the DBPedia resources to create the index for the wikifier. What we need are information about the uri of the resource (called path in the index), its label of the resource (called term in our index), its wiki-page (called page in the index), the resource's comment or abstract (called cont in he index), the categories (called category in the index), the types (called type in the index) and the number of input link to the resource i.e. the resources that point to this resource (called npl in the index).

Get data by sparql queries

So the information gathered via sparql query from a sparql endpoint are:

To run the query we used the virtuoso sparql endpoint and the jar provider by Virtuoso and Jena. The wikifier provides a set of default queries but there is the possibility to input a file contains the sparql queries. It is important that the user queries gather at least information about label, page, comment and categories.

Create the Lucene document

With the results of sparql query we create a Lucene document for indexing and storing. The document represents a DBPedia resource and has the following fields:

  • path: the URI of the DBPedia resource. This field is not analyzed and it is stored in the index.
  • page: the wikipedia page of the DBPedia resource. This field is not analyzed and stored in the index.
  • type: a string contains the resource types separated by ";". This field is not analyzed and stored in the index.
  • category: a string contains the resource category separated by ";". This field is not analyzed and stored in the index. This is used the categorize the text to be wikifier.
  • pagelink: the number of page input link to the resource. This is the count of the resources that link to this one.
  • termLANGUAGE: a set of terms related to the labels for the resource. The labels are the resource's label and those of redirects to this resource. This field has the stop words removed, is stemmed and is stored in the index.
  • termLANGUAGEkey: a set of term related to the labels for the resource as before but inserted it is treated by Lucene KeyWordAnalyzer. This field is only stemmed but before indexing and is stored in the index.
  • contLANGUAGE: the abstract or the comment associated to the resource. This field has the stop words removed, is stemmed and is stored in the index.

Example of a document:

To create the index we use a PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper of Lucene. This class construct a multi-analyzer one for each document field to process:

 PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper aWrapper = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(new SimpleAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_31));
 aWrapper.addAnalyzer(("termENGLISH"), stemanalyzerEN); //Terms stemmed.
 aWrapper.addAnalyzer(("termENGLISHkey"), keyanalyzer); //Terms as kery word.
 aWrapper.addAnalyzer(("cont"+language.toUpperCase()), stemanalyzerStopEN); //Content (the text). Stemmed and stop-word removed.

the wrapper contains the Snowball analyzer EnglishAnalyzer (or italian) and the KeywordAnalyzer this perform a "Tokenizes" on the entire label as a single token:

EnglishAnalyzer stemanalyzerEN = new EnglishAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_31,emptyset); //Only stemming
EnglishAnalyzer stemanalyzerStopEN = new EnglishAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_31,(new StopWords(language)).getStopWord()); //Stemmer plus stop-words
KeywordAnalyzer keyanalyzer = new KeywordAnalyzer(); //Key words analyzer

The only fields analyzed are:

  • termLANGUAGE. This field is stemmed and stop word are removed. This contains all the labels of a resource. There is field for each label.
  • termLANGUAGEkey. This field contains the labels of a resource. There is a field for each label. The label is pre-processed by stemming.
  • contENGLISH. This contains either comment or abstract of a resource. This is stemmed and the stop words are removed.



We have three kind of searching distributed on two levels: exact searching, proximity searching and filter searching. Exact and proximity searching are on the same level and the filter searching is under these two. Exact and proximity use the key-words and searching between termLANGUAGE and termLANGUAGEkey instead the filter search use the entire text or the sentences where there are the key words and search on a subIndex contains the results of the first two.

In the searching we used the lucene score (ls), the number of page link (NPL) and the total score that is: Wxlog2(NPL)+(1-W)*ls with 0<W<1.

Exact Searching

This will search on the field termLANGUAGEkey and use the same wrapper analyzer of the indexing. The key-words are pre-processed by stemming and than searched in the index by using lucene. If we get some results then we order them by number of page link (NPL) and get the first 50 results. These are send to the filter search that will search among them in the field contLANGUAGE with the input text or the sentence where there are the key-words. If there are results from the filter search we take the first two with the highest total score. Otherwise we get the first two results from exact search with the highest total score:

  • KeyWords in input
    • Preprocessing of the key-word with the stemming.
  • Search documents that exactly match the keyword in the field termLANGUAGEkey and get the first 50 results with the highest lucene score
    • Order the results by the number of input link (NPL)
    • Create a subIndex with such documents
  • Search in the new subindex, within the field contLANGUAGE, for the input text or the sentences contains the key-words and get the first 50 results with the highest lucene score
    • If there are results we get the first two with the highest total score
  • If the filter search not produce results then we take the first two result with the highest total score from exact search.

Proximity Searching

This will search on the field termLANGUAGE and use the same wrapper analyzer of the indexing. The key-word is searched by assuming that can be exist among word compound the key-word a distance of zero, one or two (i.e with a key-words as A B we search for A B, A w B and A w w B). Starting from zero to two we stop when we encounter the first results and if there aren't we do a simple search on the key-word and select such results with the number of words equal or higher to the number of words that compound the key-word. Got the results then we order them by number of page link (NPL) and get the first 50 results. These are send to the filter search that will search among them in the field contLANGUAGE with the input text or the sentence where there are the key-words. If there are results from the filter search we take the first two with the highest total score. Otherwise we get the first two results from proximity search with the highest total score:

  • KeyWords in input
    • Start a cicle to search the key-word with distance among words of zero, one or two.
      • Search documents that have the key-words assuming a possible distance in the field termLANGUAGE and get the first 50 results with the highest lucene score
      • If there are results these are ordered by the number of input link (NPL)
      • If there aren't results we search the key-words as it is, always in termLANGUAGE, and we choose the results with number of words compound the key-words equal or higher the length of the key-word.
    • Create a subIndex with such documents
  • Search in the new subindex, within the field contLANGUAGE, for the input text or the sentences contains the key-words and get the first 50 results with the highest lucene score
    • If there are results we get the first two with the highest total score
  • If the filter search not produce results then we take the first two result with the highest total score from proximity search.

Filter Searching

The filter search creates a subindex with the results coming from exact and proximity search. In this subindex we search the input text or the sentence contains the key-word inside field contLANGUAGE. If we get somethings then the first two result with the highest total score are chosen:

  • Create a subindex with the output coming from exact and proximity search.
  • Search within field contLANGUAGE the input text or the sentence with the key-word.
  • From results we choose the first two with the highest total score.

The filter search is used for disambiguation.

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