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XD Selector

XD Selector is a component for proposing patterns to be used to cover requirements expressed in the ontology (annotation as well as any axiom that a matching system can use as input).

It is an extensible system with an API to plug multiple pattern selection services.

The result is a list of proposals of patterns to be re-used in the current working ontology. For each matching system, results are provided with details about the motivation, the synopsis and a set of candidates axioms for each result. By click on a result, details (ontology annotations) are shown in the ODP Details view.

Implement a pattern selection service for XD Selector

The pattern selection service must be implemented as eclipse plugin that extends the extension point it.cnr.stlab.xd.selection.services, provided by the xd plugin. In the selection service plugin, developers should provide a class that extends the it.cnr.stlab.xd.selection.AbstractpatternSelectionService.

This is in an example of the plugin.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.2"?>

And this is an example of a class.

A demo plugin has been realized. The code can be found here.

The packages of the demo plugin are:

  • XDSelectionServiceExample-1.0.0.zip that include an eclipse project that can be directly re-used as starting point for the development
  • XDSelectionServiceExample_1.0.0.jar A binary deployment that can be used to test the xd plugin

To test the component is necessary to open an ontology with the internal text editor, since the plugin is actually not integrated with the NeOn toolkit. After that, simply click the button in the ODP Selection view, shown near the ODP Registry browser.

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