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Submitted by AldoGangemi
Posted on 2012-07-15T23:23:57

Tipalo: automatic typing of Wikipedia entities

Tipalo takes a Wikipedia page URI as input, and returns a RDF graph composed of rdf:type, rdfs:subClassOf, owl:sameAs, and owl:equivalentTo statements providing typing information (organized into class taxonomies) about the entity referred by the Wikipedia page. Currently, entity types are derived from the text, and aligned to the DBpedia Ontology, WordNet 3.0 in RDF, DOLCE+DnS Ultralite, and DolceZero.

Tipalo relies on FRED, an extractor of RDF-OWL graphs from text, and includes NER and WSD, hence it has unlimited domain coverage (i.e., it is independent from the completeness of specific ontologies). Results are available as RDF, HTML (with LODE), and graphs. A paper describing Tipalo is currently under review.

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