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Jamendo properties

A legenda/explanation of the fields in the table below can be found here

Object properties

predicate #triples universe domain % range % mapped to comments
mo:available_as 125,948 {mo:Record, mo:ED2K} 27.5% 9.2% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels. Note that class mo:ED2K (representing a resource available on the eDonkey network) is still an unstable Music Ontology feature.
{mo:Record, mo:Playlist} 27.5% 81.6% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels. Object resolves into actual M3U playlist.
{mo:Record, mo:Torrent} 27.5% 9.2% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels. Note that class mo:Torrent (which resolves into an actual Torrent file and describes as such) is still an unstable Music Ontology feature.
{mo:Track, mo:ED2K} 72.5% 9.2% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels, forcing transitivity from the containing mo:Record. Note that class mo:ED2K (representing a resource available on the eDonkey network) is still an unstable Music Ontology feature.
{mo:Track, mo:Playlist} 72.5% 81.6% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels, forcing transitivity from the containing mo:Record. Object resolves into actual M3U playlist.
{mo:Track, mo:Torrent} 72.5% 9.2% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for distribution sources/channels, forcing transitivity from the containing mo:Record. Note that class mo:Torrent (which resolves into an actual Torrent file and describes as such) is still an unstable Music Ontology feature.
mo:image 23,144 {mo:Record, rdfs:Resource} 100.0% 100.0%
mo:track 45,634 {mo:Record, mo:Track} 100.0% 100.0% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_comp:hasComponent Nontransitive. In digital distribution, this can be a form of partitioning.
tags:taggedWithTag 53,438 {mo:Record, tags:Tag} 100.0% 100.0% (weak) rdfs:subPropertyOf odp:isClassifiedBy Weak mapping as its usage in Jamendo is exclusively for genre classification. Not true for the Tag ontology property in general.
foaf:maker 5,786 {mo:Record, mo:MusicArtist} 100.0% 100.0%
http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#factor 8,823
mo:license 45,634 {mo:Track, foaf:Document} 100.0% 100.0%
foaf:made 5,786 {mo:MusicArtist, mo:Record} 100.0% 100.0% Having both this and foaf:maker triples it totally unnecessary, but they might be materialized inferences...
foaf:based_near 3,244 {mo:MusicArtist, rdfs:Resource} 100.0% 100.0% skos_closeMatch dul:hasLocation

skos_closeMatch odp_place:hasLocation

By extension we have, for each object, (?object a foaf:SpatialThing), but not (?object a odp:Place)

Due to the loose semantics of foaf:basedNear and the property domain, whose members we cannot assume to be located where stated by each triple at all times, we cannot assume a strict DL match.
foaf:homepage 3,006 {mo:MusicArtist, rdfs:Resource} 100.0% 100.0%
foaf:img 2,982 {mo:MusicArtist, rdfs:Resource} 100.0% 100.0%
mo:published_as 45,634 {mo:Signal, mo:Track} 100.0% 100.0% rdfs:subPropertyOf odp_ir:isRealizedBy;

rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:isRealizedBy;

mo:Record rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationObject or dul:InformationObject)

mo:ED2K rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationRealization or dul:InformationRealization)

Rough instantiation of the Information Realization CP for encoding. Since the universe encompasses no mo:Record instances, no transitivity from part-whole relations can be implied.
mo:time 45,634 {mo:Signal, http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Interval} 100.0% 100.0% timeinterval or dul:hasIntervalDate are not suitable due to only being set in a Gregorian timeline.
rdf:type 290,291 {mo:ED2K, rdfs:Resource} 4.0% 100.0% mo:ED2K rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationRealization or dul:InformationRealization)
{mo:Lyrics, rdfs:Resource} 3.0% 100.0%
{mo:MusicArtist, rdfs:Resource} 1.2% 100.0%
{mo:Playlist, rdfs:Resource} 35.4% 100.0% mo:Playlist rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationRealization or dul:InformationRealization)
{mo:Record, rdfs:Resource} 2.0% 100.0%
{mo:Signal, rdfs:Resource} 15.7% 100.0%
{mo:Torrent, rdfs:Resource} 4.0% 100.0% mo:Torrent rdfs:subClassOf (odp_ir:InformationRealization or dul:InformationRealization)
{mo:Track, rdfs:Resource} 15.7% 100.0%
{tags:Tag, rdfs:Resource} 3.2% 100.0% (any upper ontologies that define Genres) A straight mapping to tagging ODP is not possible due to the latter having existential restrictions on the Tag class that enforce the existence of a social tagging process, which is not modelled in Jamendo.
{http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Interval, rdfs:Resource} 15.7% 100.0% http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Interval skos:closeMatch dul:TimeInterval dul:TimeInterval is narrower?
{foaf:Document, rdfs:Resource} 0.0% 100.0%
http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/timeline.owl#onTimeLine 45,634 {http://www.w3.org/2006/time#Interval, rdfs:Resource} 100.0% 100.0% Concatenates with mo:time to express an abstract duration pattern.
mo:recorded_as 45,634 {rdfs:Resource, mo:Signal} 100.0% 100.0%  ?subject a dul:Event Every distinct subject maps to an untyped rdfs:Resource with URI schema http://dbtune.org/jamendo/performance/[id], where [id] always matches URIs of signals and tracks linked by other properties.

Data properties

predicate #triples universe domain % range % mapped to comments
dc:date 5,786 {mo:Record, rdfs:Literal} 100.0% 100.0%  ?x
a odp_tis:TimeIndexedSituation;
odp_tis:forEntity ?record (a mo:Record) ;
odp_tis:atTime ?interval (a odp_ti:TimeInterval ; odp_ti:hasIntervalDate ?date)
In the given universe, the usage of dc:date denotes record release times. Note that this model is overly simplified, with no country-based releases and reissues taken into account. This is possibly due to Jamendo being a unique worldwide digital distribution channel.
dc:description 880 {mo:Record, xsd:string} 100.0% 100.0%
mo:track_number 45,634 {mo:Track, xsd:int} 100.0% 100.0% http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/sequence.owl, if total orders can be constructed from cardinals in a mo:Record instance.
mo:biography 485 {mo:MusicArtist, xsd:string} 100.0% 100.0%
dc:format 125,948 {mo:ED2K, rdfs:Literal} 9.2% 100.0% see mo:available_as{mo:Track,mo:ED2K} and mo:available_as{mo:Record,mo:ED2K} Extends realization/encoding 3-branched path by one. Subject resolves to actual eD2k resource (unless a DESCRIBE query is called on Jamendo endpoint).
{mo:Playlist, rdfs:Literal} 81.6% 100.0% see mo:available_as{mo:Track,mo:Playlist} and mo:available_as{mo:Record,mo:Playlist} Extends realization/encoding 3-branched path by one. Subject resolves to actual M3U resource (unless a DESCRIBE query is called on Jamendo endpoint).
{mo:Torrent, rdfs:Literal} 9.2% 100.0% see mo:available_as{mo:Track,mo:Torrent} and mo:available_as{mo:Record,mo:Torrent} Extends realization/encoding 3-branched path by one. Subject resolves to actual .torrent resource (unless a DESCRIBE query is called on Jamendo endpoint).
http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/tagName 9,235 {http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/Tag, xsd:string} 100.0% 100.0% see tag:taggedByTag{mo:Record,tag:Tag} Extends genre/classification path by one.
mo:text 8,823 {mo:Lyrics, xsd:string} 100.0% 100.0% A content pattern on transcripts would be required.
foaf:name 3,505 {mo:MusicArtist, xsd:string} 100.0% 100.0% Weak classification with labelling. Can naming be a form of classification for referencing purposes?
dc:title 51,402 {mo:Record, xsd:string} 11.2% 100.0% Weak classification with labelling. Can naming be a form of classification for referencing purposes?
{mo:Track, xsd:string} 88.8% 100.0% Weak classification with labelling. Can naming be a form of classification for referencing purposes?
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