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What? The Semantic Technology Laboratory (STLab), within the Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology (ISTC, http://www.istc.cnr.it) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, http://www.cnr.it), has been founded in the Autumn of 2008, and partly originates from the past Rome branch of the Laboratory for Applied Ontology (http://www.loa-cnr.it), whose heritage is transferred by the STLab scientific coordinator, Aldo Gangemi.

Why? It has one motivating use case in the development of semantic technologies for the CNR scientific organization, jointly with the Information Systems Unit of CNR (STLab technology coordinator: Alberto Salvati). Who? The STLab founders are Aldo Gangemi, Alfio Gliozzo, Valentina Presutti, and Alberto Salvati.

Know How STLab profiling competences include methods, best practices, tools and reusable models for ontology design, statistical natural language processing, and knowledge extraction that hybridates ontology and natural language engineering.

Current research at STLab focuses on the following aspects of semantic technologies: Semantic Web and Web of Data (Web 3.0); ontology design patterns and best practices; semantic search and corporate knowledge management based on ontologies and Web 3.0; ontology-driven document generation and semantic wikis; collaborative tools for ontology design; adaptive eLearning; semantic interoperability.

Typical application domains include organizational, business, industrial, legal, biomedical, e-government, and agricultural information systems.

Projects People at STLab have participated in the following past semantic technology projects: ESPRIT projects GALEN and GALEN-II (1992-1998), EUREKA project IKF (2000-2004), IST FP5 projects OntoWeb (2001-2004) and WonderWeb (2002-2004), FP5 projects METOKIS (2004-2005) and Semantic Mining (2004-2006), as well as in many industrial and institutional projects and working groups, including W3C, UN-FAO, Italian Council for Informatics in the Public Administration, etc.

STLab is currently involved in the FP6 Integrating Project NeOn (Networked Ontologies, 2006-2010), the Leonardo project BONy (2008-2009), and the new FP7 Integrating Project IKS (Interactive Knowledge Stack, 2009-2012). STLab is also responsible for the CNR projects: Semantic intrawebs for large organizations and Historical Knowledge Representation.

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