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Subgraphs identification algorithm (implemented by the Semantic Web property extractor)

   algorithm legalo is
       input G: a RDF graph  from FRED
       output S: a set of RDF triples expressing semantic relations between named entities recognized in G
       let E the set of named entities in G
       let C the set of all named entity pairs combinations including permutations
       for each named entity e1 in E
           for each named entity e2 in E
               if e1 != e2'
                   add <e1, e2'> to C
       let P a set of tuples <e1, e2, sub-graph>
       let DFS stand for depth first search
       for each pair <e1, e2> in C
           directPaths ← DFS in G retrieving the shortest direct paths between e1 and e2
           if directPaths is not empty
               for each directPath in directPaths
                   add <e1, e2, directPath> to P
               for each node of type dul:Event event in G
                   leftSubGraph ← DFS in G for retrieving the shortest direct paths connecting e1 and event
                   rightSubGraph ← DFS in G for finding the shortest direct paths connecting event and e2
                   if rightSubGraph does not contain agentive roles
                       add <e1, e2, rightSubGraph> to P
       let S a set of RDF triples
       for each tuple <e1, e2, sub-graph> in P
           property ← produce semantic web relation based on sub-graph
           add RDF triple e1 - property - e2 to S

Producing semantic web relations

Legalo produces a semantic web relation property based on each sub-graph included in P (cf. legalo algorithm) The label of property is generated by concatenating the labels included in the sub-graph according to a number of heuristics derived by incremental empirical observations. These heuristics are continuously evolving. Currently, the main ones are summarizes as follows:

  • Given a direct path between e1 and e2, the label of property will be produced by concatenating the arc labels in the path and the more general types' labels of the nodes in the path. See example below:
   e1 = dbpedia:Felix ; e2 = dbpedia:Ringo_Starr
   dbpedia:Felix :memberOf dbpedia:All_Star_Band
   dbpedia:All_Star_Band :of dbpedia:Ringo_Starr
   dbpedia:All_Star_Band rdf:type :Band
   would generate
   label(property) = memberOfBandOf
   dbpedia:Felix :memberOfBandOf dbpedia:Ringo_Starr

  • Given a sub-graph connecting e1 and e2 through a node event of type dul:Event, the label of property will be produced by concatenating the arc labels in the path and the more general types' labels of the nodes in the path, connecting event to e2. The arc labels of events' thematic roles are not used as they show in the graph, they are associated either with an empty label or with a lexicalization defined in a mapping table. See example below:
   :invent_1 vn.role:Agent dbpedia:John_McCarty
   :invent_1 vn.role:Product dbpedia:Lisp
   :invent_1 rdf:type dul:Event
   dbpedia:Lisp rdf:type :Language 
   would generate
   dbpedia:John_McCarty :inventLanguage dbpedia:Lisp
  • Examples of mappings between thematic roles labels and their lexicalizations:
    • vnrole:Beneficiary → for
    • vnrole:Instrument → with
    • vnrole:Destination → to
    • vnrole:Topic → about
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