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CFLAGS="-O -m64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
export CFLAGS

  • After the build is complete you can install the program to a particular directory with the command:
sudo make install prefix=/yourDir/Virtuoso

If need for more install details see:

Then, install virtuoso (warining, you need the super user rights).

  • At the end of the installation go in the virtuoso_installation_Dir/bin and move isql to isql-v (mv isql isql-v)
  • When installation is completed before running the program it is necessary to setup the virtuoso.ini file. The most important parameters are:

-- NumberOfBuffers; This controls the amount of RAM used by Virtuoso to cache database files. This has a critical performance impact and thus the value should be fairly high for large databases. Exceeding physical memory in this setting will have a significant negative impact. For a database-only server about 65% of available RAM (2/3 or 3/5 of SysRAM.) could be configured for database buffers. Please also note that each buffer takes about 8700 Bytes (or roughly 9KB). Example 32G SysRAM: 32000000000*2/3/8700 = 2452107

-- MaxCheckPointRemap -> 1/4 of database size (N.B. the size is for pages, 8k per page). Example 43G of DB: 43000000000/4/8700 = 1235632

-- MaxDirtyBuffers -> max it is the 60% of NumberOfBuffers. Example: 2452107*0.6 = 1471264

-- Striping -> stripe storage on all available disks. This is useful only when the database can be spltited among hard-disk devices.

-- SingleCPU

-- ThreadCleanupInterval

-- ThreadThreshold

-- ResourcesCleanupInterval = 0

-- FreeTextBatchSize

-- RdfFreeTextRulesSize

-- IndexTreeMaps

-- ServerThreadSize

-- MainThreadSize

-- FutureThreadSize

-- ServerThreads; Max number of threads used in the server, should be set close to the number of concurrent connections if heavy usage is expected. A value of 100 should work on most systems.

-- ResultSetMaxRows

-- MaxQueryCostEstimationTime

-- MaxQueryExecutionTime

-- O_DIRECT; This may be useful if a large fraction of RAM is configured as database buffers. If this is on, the file system cache will not grow at the expense of the database process, for example it is less likely to swap out memory that Virtuoso uses for its own database buffers.

see the example of Virtuoso config file file. For more details about parameters see: and

  • To run Virtuoso go in the virtuso_installation_Dir/bin and type:
nohup ./virtuoso-t -f +configfile installation_directory/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini &
  • Now the server is on line at the following address: localhost:PORT/ (port and localhost are specified in the virtuoso configuration file). The first access is given by:
Log in as administrator
pw=dba user=dba
  • Are useful to install from inside virtuoso the following packages:
- rdf_mappers
- Wiki
- dbpedia_dav.vad
- ec2exts_dav.vad
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